Wednesday, October 21, 2009

India: Just What The Doctor Ordered

I said I would post on Monday (two days ago), but couldn't because Google Egypt decided to go go smoke a sheesha, and when Egyptians decide to smoke, nothing in the world can get them back to business anytime soon.

So expect many posts in the next couple days about my weird and wild feluccaa ride, a quiz for all you would-be backpackers, and why a crowd of women in burqas were staring at me while I stood in the street with just a shirt and boxers on.

I arrived in Delhi about two hours ago, and haven't slept in nearly two whole days.

It's odd: back in college 'pulling an all-nighter' was a big deal, even something of a badge of academic determination. But I've easily pulled more all-nighters during the past two months than my entire college experience. In fact, I would say that in many ways backpacking done right is far harder than my academic career.

Anyway, Delhi is just what I need: cheap, crowded, chaotic, and vaguely smelling of feces. The mixture of mopeds and rickshaws (both motorized and bicycle-powered) makes me feel like I'm back in China.

And the best part: I can actually see the faces of women on the street and--as if that weren't relief enough-- I can talk to them without nearby male patriarchs yelling at me. Finally!

Alright, I have a lot to do tonight and tomorrow morning, so I'm off for now. But expect plenty more posts tomorrow.


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