Saturday, October 10, 2009

Lovin' Cairo

I know, I know: I said I would update the blog yesterday and I didn't. But I have loads of great new videos and pictures which (hopefully) will make up for it.

Unfortunately this computer doesn't like my camera, so I have to wait until tommorrow morning's daily run to an internet cafe to upload my stuff. So look for more in about eight hours.

For now, the quick highlights of the past two days:

--Got hit by a car.

--Staying with an incredible American couple.

--Flying coachroaches. Rats that look like cats. And bed bugs. Lots of bed bugs.

--Got on a women-only metro train.

--A little girl nearly urinated on my feet at the metro station.

Like I said, I'll explain in full tomorrow, because I need to get up early to be dowsntown at the Indian Embassy as soon as it opens. I will need all of my good old American charm to plead, beg, and do basically anything necessary for the embassy to get me a visa in 24 hours, so that I can make my flight on the 14th. Except pay money to have it expedited, of course.

Wish me luck. Bonus points if you pray to the Hindu god of bureaucracy on my behalf.


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